(! = major, * = minor) version 1.0.16: * Fixed compiling issue on newer Fedora(/other?) distributions. (found/identified by edge@gecko.org) version 1.0.15: * Fixed "make install" failure that occured on some systems. (like ubuntu) * Fixed compiler warnings of execle() calls the occured on some systems. * Added the pre-made 'objdump' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'strace-color' definition file. (overwrites some default behaviors of strace, so it will not be directly replaced) * Added the pre-made 'ltrace-color' definition file. (overwrites some default behaviors of ltrace, so it will not be directly replaced) * Added the pre-made 'crontab@' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'inittab@' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'profile@' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'protocols@' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'hosts@' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'resolv.conf@' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'auth.log@' definition file. version 1.0.14: * Fixed bug that could crash cw, introduced in the previous version. (found/patched by lapan_mv@inbox.ru) version 1.0.13: ! Added command-line options --cw-colorize, --cw-invert, --cw-nocolor, --cw-norandom, --cw-usepty, and --cw-supermap to be used for on-the-fly changes in conjunction with wrapped programs. * Added the "noaddhelp" definition instruction, to disable the display of cw options when "--help" is passed to the wrapped program. version 1.0.12: * Added support to compile on QNX. (6.3.0) * Added the "nowarnings" and "warnings" definition instructions, for disabling/enabling definition file error messages. (on by default) specific operating systems. (similar properties to "ifarg"/"ifnarg") * Changed "colorcfg" to support installation to different directories. (for ./configure --prefix=..., which is now fully supported) * Changed the real program filename reference to strip the path and only show the filename. (ie. "/usr/local/lib/cw/id" will now show as "id" when referenced by the real program(argv[0])) * Changed the proctitle to display the pid of the wrapped program. * Changed the "path" definition instruction to allow "" to be included with other paths. (not the only path allowed anymore) * Changed some error message displays. * Changed some definition files. * Added the pre-made 'figlet' definition file. * Revised most pre-made definition instructions. version 1.0.11: ! Added the "cwe" command. (actually linked to cw binary) ! Added the "supermap" definition instruction and the "CW_SUPERMAP" environmental variable check, to completely change the method of coloring from ANSI to another (internal) coloring format. * Added the "lborder" and "rborder" definition instructions and "CW_LBORDER" and "CW_RBORDER" environmental variable checks, to place data on the left and right sides of each string. (not colored, used for interpreted data) * Added "CW_RANDOM" environmental variable check, to globally change the default random list of color choices. * Added the "forcecolor" definition instruction, to color no matter what anti-coloring measures are enabled. * Added the "print" definition instruction, to print a string as it is read in the definition file. * Added the "noeol" definition instruction, to not append the reset/cap value on the end of each line. * Added the "proctitle" definition instruction, to make cw appear different in process listings. * Added proctitle support, to have a better process appearance. (where applicable) * Changed handling of user interrupts(CTRL-C), now the first CTRL-C will be passed to the wrapped program and the second will force exit. * Fixed bug that would crash cw if $HOME was not present in the environment. * Fixed bug for platforms that dont support regex, would crash if "token" definition instructions were used. version 1.0.10: * Added "!" and "@" to run programs as they are placed in the cw definition file. * Added the "ifexit", "ifnexit" and "ifexit-else" definition instructions, to compare exit levels from the "!" and "@" definition instructions. * Added "CW_CHK_NOCOLOR" and "CW_CHK_SETCODE" environmental variable checks, to run a program/shell expression and check the exit code to either disable the color or set to be used against the "ifexit" definition instructions. * Added the "useifregex" definition instruction, to enable use of regex comparisons with the "ifarg" and "ifos" definition instructions. * Fixed a bug in cwu which left files behind when changes failed. * Fixed potential security issue with cwu relating to unchecked temporary files, this is not a major concern as the definition directory would have to be world writable. version 1.0.9: * Added "CW_HEADER" and "CW_FOOTER" environmental variable checks, to set a header/footer if there is not one specified in the definition file. * Added the "remap" definition instruction and the "CW_REMAP" environmental variable check, to remap colors to special ANSI (code) colors or other internal colors. * Added the "clear" definition instruction and the "CW_CLEAR" environmental variable check, to clear the screen before the program starts. * Added the "nocolor" definition instruction, to disable all coloring via a definition file. (this is mainly for if-related definition instructions) * Added pre-made headers/footers. (in ./etc, installed to NONE/lib/cw/etc) * Fixed bug when using the random color family with CW_COLORIZE. * Fixed a textual configuration error bug, which displayed the wrong error message. * Revised the pre-made 'wc' definition file. version 1.0.8: ! Fixed a bug that could cut off the last lines of extremely long output from programs that process faster than cw. ! Added passing of the exit value (of the real program) through cw. * Added the "ifos" and "ifnos" definition instructions, for matching specific operating systems. (similar properties to "ifarg"/"ifnarg") * Added "ifos-else" and "ifarg-else" for more simplified comparisons. * Added support to stop the program while running. (^Z) * Added the "nobackground" definition instruction, to disable stopping(^Z) of the program (this may be forced anyways, depending upon compile) * Added the pre-made 'groups' definition file. * Added support for Solaris. (code changes/scripts/etc) * Added support for Cygwin. (code changes/scripts/etc) * Removed the "OS=" argument used in conjunction with the "ifarg" and "ifnarg" definition instructions, this was not sufficient for complex definition files and has been replaced with it's own definition instruction. ("OS=" was introduced in v1.0.7) * Revised the pre-made 'arp' definition file. (SunOS addition) * Revised the pre-made 'mount' definition file. (SunOS addition) * Revised the pre-made 'ping' definition file. (SunOS addition) * Revised the pre-made 'lsof' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'ps' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'df' definition file. version 1.0.7: ! Added the "regex" definition instruction, for matching text with regex patterns. (this is intended for when the "match" definition instruction is not enough) ! Added the "usepty" definition instruction and the "CW_USEPTY" environmental variable check. (allocates a pty to emulate the environment a program may expect) ! Added the "OS=" argument to be used in conjunction with the "ifarg" and "ifnarg" definition instructions, this will allow for operating system specific coloring. (ie. "ifarg OS=linux") ! Added "CW_INVERT" environmental variable check, this is to help make terminals with white backgrounds more readable. (inverts internal colormap) * Added "" to be used in conjunction with the "path" definition instruction to import the PATH environmental variable. * Added autoconf-style configuration/install scripts. * Added the pre-made 'cw-pipe' definition file. (generic pipe colorer) * Added the pre-made 'tcpdump' definition file. * Fixed "cwu" text wrapping large lines. * Fixed "colorcfg" for local install usage. (was non-operational) * Fixed infinite recursive running of cw when using improper "path" definitions. * Fixed some textual error messages. (was displaying incorrect data) * Revised the pre-made 'id' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'date' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'configure' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'arp' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'ps' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'ping' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'date' definition file. version 1.0.6: ! Added "CW_COLORIZE" environmental variable check, this is to help make a uniform color scheme. (overrides all definition colors) * Added "MAKELEVEL" environmental variable check, this variable is set by the 'make' program. (if set, it acts as "NOCOLOR" would. this is another preventive measure taken to stop unwanted coloring) * Added "colorcfg", a small script to automate the installation of color wrapper on a per-user basis. * Added "black" as a usable color for random related definitions. * Revised execution method. * Revised the pre-made 'make' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'df' definition file. version 1.0.5: ! Added the colors "random", "random+" and "random&" to be used for random colors. (the random values are set at the start of cw and by the "random" definition instruction) ! Added the "random" definition instruction. (sets the values of the "random", "random+" and "random&" colors) ! Added the "random-goto" definition instruction. (more detail specific coloring than the "random" definition instruction) ! Added "CW_NORANDOM" environmental variable check, to disable random colors by always selecting the first list choice with the "random" and "random-goto" definition instructions. ! Added the "nopipe" definition instruction and the "NOCOLOR_PIPE" environmental variable check. (enables the disabling of color if no tty is present. idea/patch provided by komar@ukr.net, thanks) * Added the text versions of the manual pages. (in doc/) * Added the pre-made 'g++' definition file. ('gcc' copy) * Added the pre-made 'cal' definition file. (suggested by px@zeroday.net, thanks) * Added the pre-made 'md5sum' definition file. (suggested by px@zeroday.net, thanks) * Added the pre-made 'cksum' definition file. (suggested by px@zeroday.net, thanks) * Revised the pre-made 'make' definition file. (won't color 'menuconfig' anymore, thanks jce@gmode.zeroday.net) * Removed the pre-made 'objdump' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'finger' definition file. (fixes) * Revised the pre-made 'smbstatus' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'quota' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'users' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'host' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'free' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'mpg123' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'blockdev' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'wc' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'du' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'ping' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'lsmod' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'tracepath' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'traceroute' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'w' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'uname' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'stat' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'who' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'praliases' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'find' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'uptime' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'tar' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'ps' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'mount' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'umount' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'hdparm' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'dmesg' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'arp' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'arping' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'env' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'ifconfig' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'cpuinfo@' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'meminfo@' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'passwd@' definition file. (random) * Revised the pre-made 'group@' definition file. (random) version 1.0.4: ! Added "CW_SHLVL" environmental variable check, to compare with $SHLVL(bash/tcsh set this according to the current shell level). (this is to limit where coloring is applied. so, if CW_SHLVL is set to 1, it will only color if the shell level is in its first instance) ! Added the "other" definition instruction. (defines alternate program(s) to run, in shell script format) * Added the pre-made 'smbstatus' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'showmount' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'tracepath' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'quotastats' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'praliases' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'nfsstat' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'pmap_dump' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'services@' definition file. (text) * Added the pre-made 'syslog' definition file. (other, tail's syslog file) * Revised the pre-made 'df' definition file. (again) * Revised the pre-made 'lastlog' definition file. version 1.0.3: * Added the "limit" definition instruction. (limits the amount of text to be displayed per line, does not apply to when colors are turned off) * Added the pre-made 'fstab@' definition file. (text) * Added the pre-made 'group@' definition file. (text) * Fixed color defaulting for text file color wrapping when piped. * Revised the pre-made 'dmesg' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'uname' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'df' definition file. version 1.0.2: * Added the "nostrip" definition instruction. (this will turn off ANSI stripping) ! Added ANSI stripping, which strips the real programs output of ANSI color codes. (px@zeroday.net's idea) ! Added text file color wrapping. (this will take effect when the cw executable file has an '@' on the end of the filename) * Added ifarg/ifnarg constant "", for mataching no arguments. * Added the pre-made 'messages@' definition file. (text) * Added the pre-made 'xferlog@' definition file. (text) * Added the pre-made 'passwd@' definition file. (text) * Added the pre-made 'cpuinfo@' definition file. (text) * Added the pre-made 'meminfo@' definition file. (text) * Added the pre-made 'nslookup' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'vmstat' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'pmap' definition file. * Added the pre-made 'configure' definition file. (same as make's; suggested to use this instead of ./configure if colors are on, it will eliminate potential issues) ! Fixed bug in which overly long output strings would crash cw. (crash first noticed by px@zeroday.net) ! Fixed "invalid path" bug when the path is actually valid. (changed R_OK to X_OK with access(), thanks px@zeroday.net) * Fixed some grammar error(s). (thanks px@zeroday.net) * Revised package to compile on other operating systems, specifically bsd. (no other system besides GNU/linux will be supported in future releases) * Revised ifarg/ifnarg constant handling. (can now use in list form, instead of the only comparison) * Revised ifarg/ifnarg constant "any" to "", for matching any value. (this was undocumented in the last version, so it shouldn't be a problem) * Revised the pre-made 'find' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'fuser' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'ping' definition file. * Revised the pre-made 'who' definition file. (color problems with some command-line arguments, thanks px@zeroday.net) * Revised the pre-made 'wc' definition file. (not to color -l, -c, -w, etc, thanks costing@cs.pub.ro) version 1.0.1: * First public release. version 1.0.0: * Test version/unreleased.